Knee Pain
Knee Pain Treatment Specialist Iowa
Knee Pain – An Overview
Knees happen to be a relatively complex joint containing many bones, muscles and ligaments. If the knees become degenerate due to an injury or excessive exertion due to physical activity, pain or swelling develops in them. This can make a person crippled as knees are an extremely critical joint of the body. So, it is of utmost importance that individuals keep their knees in the best shape possible.
Apparently, knee pain is the most common form of joint pain which affects millions every year. Knees can suffer from acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) pain whose intensity can be dull or severe.
Why do Knees Pain?
Knee pain can be triggered by a variety of underlying ailments or some injury. However, not every knee pain is serious and mostly is temporary in nature. It is chronic pain that needs attention as it can have serious consequences on our health. There can be many reasons that can cause knee pain like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, the damaged knee cap (patella), gout, trauma due to sports activities, injury due to an accident, bursitis, tendinitis, cancerous tumors, and many more.
Symptoms of Knee Pain
Mostly, knee pain can be cured by just resting, and only in a few cases, medical attention is needed. The majority of the people have suffered from knee pain and most of the time, there is nothing to worry about. But, if you are experiencing the below symptoms then medical attention might be needed:
Your knee pain is persisting and becoming chronic.
Your knee has pain, redness, swelling, and a change of skin color.
You are unable to move or bend your knees fully.
You experience constant stiffness or weakness in your knees.
All of the above symptoms are a good reason you need to visit a medical expert.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Knee Pain
At Dunes Pain Clinic, our doctors are experts in the treatment of knee related pain. For diagnosis, detailed physical examination and imaging scans like X-Ray or CT-Scans might be performed by our physician. After analyzing the information gathered from the reports, the physician will then begin with the treatment.
There is no fixed therapy for treating the knee pain. Many therapies and techniques comprising invasive, non-invasive, conservative and alternate procedures might be utilized for curing the pain.
Drugs and Medication: The physician can prescribe a patient anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, and even NSAIDs. However, over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen and aspirin might also suffice for minor pain.
Occupational and Physical Therapy: Knee exercises for making the joint strong and stable might be advised which can relax the pain. Certain movements to your knees might be prohibited and lifestyle changes can be advised to accelerate healing.
Minimally invasive surgeries: You may be administered minimally invasive surgical treatments like nerve blocks and epidural steroid injections.
Alternative Therapies: Certain alternative therapies like deep breathing, meditation, yoga stretches, acupuncture and acupressure can be performed to help in the healing process.
Call Dunes Pain if you suffer from any Knee Pain!